【阿塞拜疆办证ID+DL网专业办理:】办阿塞拜疆驾照,Azərbaycan sürücülük vəsiqəsi,Azerbaijan driver's license,办阿塞拜疆真实驾照,出售阿塞拜疆驾照PSD模板,办高仿阿塞拜疆驾照,阿塞拜疆驾照换中国驾照,阿塞拜疆驾照样本
办阿塞拜疆驾照,Azərbaycan sürücülük vəsiqəsi,Azerbaijan driver's license需要提供以下资料:
持有人的姓氏;Surname of the bearer
持有人的名字和名字;Name and patronymic of the bearer;
持有人的出生日期和地点;Date and place of birth of the bearer;
持有人的住所;Place of residence of the bearer;
发行机构名称;Name of the issuing body;
签发日期和地点;Date and place of issue;
许可证的到期日期;Expiry date of the license;
许可证号码;License number;
签发机构官员的签名,印章或图章;Official’s signature, stamp or seal of the issuing body;
血型和载体的签名;Blood group and signature of the bearer;
特别说明;Special remarks